1,270 Calories/Serving
46 g Protein
255 g Carbs
7.5 g Fat
100% Gourmet Taste
MUTANT MASS XXXTREME 2500 was made for hard gainers who simply can’t gain mass no matter how much they eat and how hard they train. Each serving delivers 1,270 calories, 46g protein, 255g carbs, and 7.5g fat when mixed as directed. Drink it post-workout and before bed to refuel with 2,540 calories! When added to your diet and training, nothing packs on mass like MUTANT MASS XXXTREME 2500.
To Use, in a large shaker cup or blender, add 4 scoops of Mutant Mass XXXtreme 2500 to 580ml of water or low-fat milk and mix for 20 to 30 seconds. Available in 3 different flavours.
MUTANT — Leave Humanity Behind!
The dedicated. The hardcore. At MUTANT we know where our loyalty lies. You're not interested in average, and you certainly don't care about fitting in with the crowd. MUTANT understands, and that's why we bring you top quality products, made with the best ingredients in the world, manufactured in our own federally-licensed facility. Amazing formulas like our legendary MUTANT MASS, the ultimate pre-workout experience. Or the most gourmet whey isolate of all time, MUTANT ISO SURGE!
We make these formulas, along with the highest-quality video content in the business, because we live for this! The hard and heavy lifting, the nasty workouts, the grind of the day to day. This lifestyle isn't for everyone, and that's just the way we like it!
As a dietary supplement, add 16 fl oz (480 mL) of low fat milk to a blender or large shaker cup, then add 1 serving (4 scoops) of MUTANT MASS XXXTREME 2500, blend or shake for 20–30 seconds; twice a day. Always add liquid first - then MUTANT MASS XXXTREME 2500. Tastes great in water too!