BOOSTER Lightsaber AI Massage Gun
FREE transport, sample +100€
FREE transport, sample, shaker +150€
Booster LS is a new artificial intelligence massage gun with 5 standard speeds and 3 artificial intelligence automatic modes, all of which operate extremely quietly (45-61dB *). The maximum impact force of the device is about 20kg, which is suitable for even the most demanding user! The Booster LS comes with the most different nozzles, allowing everyone to find the right one!
Booster LS is equipped with a special "Pressure sensitive system" system, which understands how hard the user presses on the body and adjusts the applied impact force accordingly.
The Booster LS massage gun is a high-quality wireless impact therapy device that relieves tense and painful muscles and connective tissue. The device works very quietly (45-61db *) and is also suitable for use in quieter places. The ideal helper for training and competition warm-up and recovery. By applying pressure to the body with the device, it is possible to quickly get rid of pain points. The nozzle of the Booster massage gun vibrates with an amplitude of 12 mm, helping to reach the deeper muscles of the body.
With the help of the BoosterLS massage gun, it is possible to restore the whole body in just 10-15 minutes. You only need to focus on each muscle group for a few minutes or three to relieve the tension or pain that comes after your workout. The massage gun also improves mobility and reduces the likelihood of long-term injuries.
The device comes with various nozzles to treat each muscle group as precisely as possible, all of which move smoothly over the skin and clothing. The nozzles are made of different materials (plastic, rubber and foam rubber)
The benefits of use are better sleep, posture and awareness, natural analgesia, relief of muscle cramps and replacement of daily stretches.
1x Massaazipüstol
1x Laadija
6x erinevad otsikud
1x Li-ion aku
1x Kohver kõige selle hoiustamiseks.
*Mürataset mõõdetakse 50cm kauguselt
Väljatöötatud sportlaste, füsioterapeutide ja treenerite soove arvestades!
Löögimassaažipüstol Booster E on parim saadavalolev kudede pingest vabastamise teraapiaseade. Põhjalikult läbimõeldud, vibreeriv, juhtmeta võimas seade on kõik, mida vajate kiireks taastumiseks, väsimuse vähendamiseks ja kõigi kehapiirkondade ravimiseks.
Parandab teie liikumisulatust
Lühendab taastumisaega ja kiirendab treeninguks ja võistluseks ettevalmistusaega
Puhastab lihased piimhappes ja vähendab väsimust
Lõhub armekude, ravib vigastusi ja valusid
Soodustab vereringet
Vabastab kehas triggerpunktid.
Seda löökteraapiaseadet saab kasutada selliste vigastuste puhul nagu pinges õlad, karpaalkanal, bursiit, sääre luuvalud (shins splints), bicepsi kõõlusepõletik, tennise küünarnukk, alaseljavalu, plantaar fastsiit.
** Garantii tingimusteks on, et seadet laetakse originaal laadijaga. Seadet ei ole soovitav järjest kasutada üle 30min. Pärast 30min kasutamist tuleks lasta nii akul, kui mootoril jahtuda 30min.